Washburn Cobblestone Inn & Suites
By Cheryl McCormack
"Big city quality, small town values."
That is the mission statement Cobblestone Hotels, LLC stands behind as they work towards developing a hotel in the community of Washburn.
Vice President of Development Alex Chaput, BriMark Builders LLC, presented information about the potential development to the crowd of 25 that gathered in the Lewis & Clark Interpretive Center’s meeting room on Nov. 24.
Three corporations would assist in developing Washburn’s Cobblestone Inn, with Chaput referring to the team as a "three-legged stool." The first leg is the Cobblestone franchise, the second leg is BriMark Builders LLC and the third leg is WHG Management Companies. According to Chaput, it is a requirement to have the experienced third leg to manage the business.
Describing the exterior of the proposed hotel, Chaput said, "Our hotels have vinyl siding, a shingled roof and carports are now a standard feature. We have nice curb appeal, but I think the inside of our hotel is even nicer than the outside."
Washburn’s proposed 44-unit hotel would include many amenities, such as hot breakfast, several extended stay suites, a guest beer and wine bar and fitness room. Based on projections from the city’s feasibility study, the first year’s average daily rate would be about $103.