WAEDA director salary approved
A second application to fund the WAEDA director’s annual salary with sales tax funds was approved on Monday night in a three-to-two vote.
After the funding request was denied due to a tie vote in August, the WAEDA board resubmitted its application in October for $50,000 in sales tax funds. The requested funds would be used to fund part-time Economic Development and Marketing Director Tana Larsen. This time, the request was granted.
The sales tax board seemed to struggle to find common ground on the issue, debating over how and if economic development can be measured, and if the salary was appropriate for a part-time position.
Committee member Larry Thomas, citing concerns over the position’s salary, made a motion to fund half of the request and have WAEDA fund the other $25,000. After three calls for a second went unanswered, the motion died.