May 1, 2013

Vander Wal earns Tuntland Scholarship

By Michael Johnson, Editor

Jocilynn Vander Wal says the work of applying for the Mason’s Tuntland Scholarship was one of the toughest things she had to apply for so far. The work paid off as she was honored at the recent Masonic Banquet in Washburn. The Tuntland Scholarship was created by William J. Tuntland and his wife for their son. Tuntland was a lawyer and his wife was a nurse, so the scholarship is offered to students entering into schooling for medicine or law. It’s a $2,000 scholarship. Vander Wal will be attending UND in the fall to study physical therapy. She’s unsure at this time if her focus will be in pediatrics or sports but she likes that the school offers her the option to focus her studies in areas she wants to learn.

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