April 21, 2011

Tax equalization ruffles feathers

By Michael Johnson, Editor

The Washburn tax equalization meeting was held last Monday to allow for those residents affected by the change in property values to hear a more thorough explanation on the increases to their taxes. Those receiving a letter were those with over 10 percent change in taxes. Assessor Neil Heringer was at the meeting to explain the changes to a couple residents who received notice that they would have an increase to the taxes. The sales ratio for residential properties is at 95.58 percent, which was a good place to be, according to Heringer. The ratio was at about 92 percent countywide. The state requires that the ratio should be between 95 to 100 percent. If it should fall outside of that then they would have to make adjustments, plus or minus, to values. Heringer said values have stabilized in Washburn. There were 25 sales in Washburn last year. County wide the values are going up. The changes made to the taxes are based on the sales of buildings made in the previous year, in order to get the property value as close to market value as possible.

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