February 3, 2016

Speech team preps for meet


Fresh off of a successful competition last month, the Cardinals speech team is looking forward to showing off their stuff at the Washburn Speech Invitational this weekend.

Speech instructor Vickie Mayer said that her young team, made up mostly of underclassmen, did well at their first meet of the year on Jan. 23 in Linton, even with a lack of experience.

"Kudos to Gabi Neal for making it to Humorous finals and placing 8th (out of 40 competitors) in Linton on Saturday," Mayer said.

The team also had two novice awards, one to Emma Olson for Impromptu and one to Savannah Duke for Poetry.

"For a first meet, and such a huge one at that - 17 schools competed - our young team did very well," Mayer said.

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