August 24, 2016

Sheriff’s office fleet grows, improves

Newly-equipped vehicles are hitting McLean County as the Sheriff’s Office fleet puts recently purchased and donated cars to use.
Seven freshly-painted vehicles with the McLean County Sheriff’s Department emblem and motto are patrolling the county, providing extra security and mobility.
“We have guys going out in their personal vehicles sometimes, so we are trying to eliminate that,” McLean County Sheriff J.R. Kerzmann said.  
Four Ford Explorers were added to the fleet this year after much discussion at 2016 county budget meetings in the fall. One of the SUV’s was used, while three were ordered new.
“We ordered three new Explorers, and equipped and painted another vehicle from the county motor pool to use.”
Kerzmann said that the SUVs helped make inaccessibility less of a problem, ensuring that officers could get to any emergency in the county without issue.

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