School board accepts elementary principal’s resignation
By Adam Thomas, BHG News Service
Being a school board member is often marked by fun times – project planning, financial reports, and contract negotiations, just to name a few. However, once and awhile, there is a break in the merriness and the board members have to deal with the solemn side of school business. This month, the Washburn school board had one of those moments as they reluctantly accepted the resignation of elementary principal Holly Becker, effective at the end of her current contract. With Becker’s resignation, board member Arik Spencer took a few minutes to explain the process they were looking at for filling the vacancy. Once the application date passes, they planned on narrowing the applicants to a handful that would go on to an informal meet and greet with the staff. Although the interview team consists of the Finance committee and Superintendent Brad Rinas, Spencer expressed his desire to bring the entire board in on the process in some way before deciding on whom to hire. During the meeting, board member Rick Tweeten once again took the floor for the Building and Grounds committee. He started off by bringing up the project that just doesn’t seem to die---the cement drainage project.