Rezoning denied for 24-plex request
By Brenda L. Schaefer, BHG News Service
Wilton residents let commissioners know that although they are interested in seeing Wilton grow, they don’t want the growth in a large quantity in their own backyards. The April 6 meeting of Wilton‘s City Commission was set to hear the re-zoning request from Durwin and Val Powers at 7:10 p.m. to re-zone Lot 2, Block 1 of High Park North from R-1 to R-3 to accommodate a potential 24-plex apartment building. Several issues were raised about the location of the 24-plex which gave commissioners the opportunity to reaffirm the need for a 25-year plan to address the growth and zoning of Wilton for the future. Everything from sewer issues to space and traffic issues were laid out for discussion. Rosalia and Oliver Dewald were concerned that a 24-plex apartment was too high a density of population for that neighborhood. R. Dewald said, "Twenty-four units with 12 garages and two parking spaces per apartment, there won’t be enough parking. That is too dense a population. That is way, way too much. The traffic is going to be a nightmare."