Resource Center fund drive begins
By Stu Merry
BHG News Service
The drive to raise funds for a new McLean Family Resource Center is underway. The building fund campaign began in earnest this past week at the annual Dickens Village Festival in Garrison.
Resource center staff, along with volunteers, are operating one of the food vendor booths at the festival. Their food offering is sausage-on-a-stick. The resource center has operated a booth at the festival for a number of years, selling knoephla soup. But when the vendor for sausage-on-a-stick decided not to participate this year, resource center officials jumped at the chance to fill that void.
Among the servers this past weekend were Rick Hultberg, MFRC board president, and Stacey Pfliiger, direct service coordinator. While Sunday was a little slower, sales-wise, the two said Friday and Saturday sales were phenomenal.
Resource center members will be selling sausage-on-a-stick during the next two weekends of the festival which continues Friday and Saturday, concludes Dec. 13-14. Serving is from 4-6 p.m. on Main Street in Garrison.
The anticipation is growing as resource center staff begins the building campaign.
Executive Director Jenell Olson is excited about what the future holds for the center. "It will be a wonderful facility."