New Northwest Regional Commander Promoted

NDHP LT. Ryan Panasuk to oversee 11 counties in the region
McLean County drivers will be seeing a new face in law enforcement this year, as the North Dakota Highway Patrol (NDHP) recently promoted Lt. Ryan Panasuk to the Northwest region of North Dakota to serve as the Regional Commander. In this position, Panasuk
will oversee the day-to-day operations for each of the 11 counties in the Northwest region, though the position will base him out of Minot.
Lt. Panasuk earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Criminal Justice from Northwestern College in St. Paul, MN and became a member of the
NDHP in 2007. In 2008, he graduated from the Highway Patrol Academy and was stationed in Grand Forks as a traffic enforcement
trooper. Then, in 2015, Panasuk was promoted to the rank of sergeant and continued to serve in the Northeast Region.