Nelson named 2022 ‘Outstanding Woman’

TruCommunity owner recognized by magazine as top player in banking
For TruCommunity Bank owner Jamie Nelson, earning the distinction of “Outstanding Woman in Banking” this year is reassurance that she is on the right track. Nelson, a Washburn resident and the owner of McLean County’s TruCommunity Bank locations, has been
selected as one of the 2022 Outstanding Women in Banking by BankBeat Magazine. After finding out in September she’d been chosen, Nelson said she was stunned and honored. “(It felt) unreal, humbling,” Nelson said. North Dakota Bankers Association President and
CEO Rick Clayburgh, who nominated Nelson for the honor, told BankBeat that Nelson has proven to be an insightful and proactive
member of the state’s banking community. “Jamie doesn’t just sit back and allow the discussion to occur,” Clayburgh said.