Math-savvy students headed to state
By Cheryl McCormack
It's simple, 6 – 4 = 2; six represents the number of teams competing in the McLean County Junior High MathCounts competition, four represents the number of teams that gave it their best shot and two teams walked away with first and second place trophies.
First place was awarded to team Wilton, consisting of members Owen Conoly, Erin Thompson, Reed Backman, Morgyn Miller and coach Nathan Stamstad. The team's final score was 16.
Turtle Lake-Mercer was the runner-up, with 15 points, thanks to team members Benjamin Goven, Jalen Granlie, Trapper Jacobs, Ryleigh Laib and coach Diane Cullum.
Additional teams competing in the Feb. 11 competition were Garrison, Max, Washburn and Underwood. The competition took place in Washburn's Olde Gym.
MathCounts promotes math excellence and competition for sixth, seventh and eighth grade students across North Dakota and nationally.