LEAF blows in from Atlanta to North Dakota
By Michael Johnson, Editor
Pull four book-smart boys from Atlanta, Georgia and drop them in the Missouri River Valley, working ranch land, and the end result is four guys that are ready to make a difference in their world by the sweat of their brow. The four are about to enter into their senior year at the Arabian Mountain High School in Atlanta, an environmentally-friendly school that recently earned a silver in LEED(Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification. The school has given the students an education in all things environmentally-friendly including compost, reusable energy sources and green building, which is what one of the students, Anthony Goring, hopes to enter into as a career. “I looked at this as an opportunity,” Goring said. He and the others were selected through a series of interviews and essays to be a part of the Nature Conservancy’s LEAF program. LEAF, Leaders in Environmental Action for the Future, is a much-coveted program that thousands of students work for. What they may not know is that they are put to work around here.