May 28, 2015

Honoring veterans

By Cheryl McCormack

Patriotic songs and colors decorated the community of Washburn on Monday to honor fallen soldiers, as well as active duty military personnel.

The 132nd Annual Memorial Day Program began with an observance at the Washburn Memorial Building.

The high school band, directed by Randy Hall, played several patriotic selections prior to and during the program.

Victor B. Wallin Post No. 12 Commander Dewayne Moran was once again the master of ceremonies. He recognized the fallen soldiers and thanked all soldiers for serving our country, risking their lives to protect our freedoms.

After the presentation of colors and the reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance, Pastor Rick Torkelson delivered the invocation.

Washburn High School students Tanner Due and Janetta Vander Wal recited patriotic poems in honor of our veterans.

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