February 11, 2015

Game and Fish increases payment of fish-cleaning station

By Cheryl McCormack

The North Dakota Game and Fish will now be paying the City of Washburn and Washburn Parks and Recreation a total of $3,500 to clean and maintain their fish-cleaning station, located near Cenex. Last year's amount was $2,000.

The brunt of the maintenance is expected to be completed by members of the park board, but Auditor Joan Zimmerman says the city's public works department does their fair share of the work, not to mention the pretty penny it costs the city to pump the station.

Mayor Duane Bauer said the cleaning station has been "kind of a pain" to him, personally, because his business is located right next door. He said fishermen and women stop in to ask why things aren't working and why it isn't clean. Because of the neglect, Bauer said he expects the park board to come in and ask for their payment.

Commissioners agreed that the city should receive a bigger share of the $3,500. Two thousand dollars will now be deposited in the city's account to cover pumping costs and maintenance; the remaining $1,500 will be given to the park board to cover wages and their portion of cleaning the station.

In other areas of discussion at the Monday night Washburn City Commission meeting, the board agreed to hire a summer employee, 18 years of age or older, to work for the city at a rate of $14 per hour. Ideally, a high school graduate is preferred, but any age is welcome to apply.

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