September 25, 2019

Expecting a damp, but healthy, harvest

Expecting a damp, but healthy, harvest

After several years of drought conditions, local farmers aren’t complaining about recent rain.
Dean Swanson, who farms spring wheat, soybeans and corn northwest of Washburn, said this season is looking to be an improvement compared to the last few.
“It’s been bad droughts for a few years, so this year is better for us so far,” Swanson said.
The area has received close to five inches of rain in recent weeks, leaving water-logged earth across the county, though the timing hasn’t been all bad.
Swanson said spring wheat harvest wrapped up just before rain hit the area this month, keeping the operation on schedule. Swanson is now waiting for soybeans to ripen, though he said things are generally on track.
“We’re pretty much right on the money,” Swanson said.

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