February 10, 2011

Courthouse plans getting thumbs-up

By Cheryl Odden, BHG News Service

While plans for the new county courthouse have not been finalized, they appear to meet the needs of several county entities. Representatives from three of those entities gave a nod of approval during the Feb. 1 meeting of the McLean County Commission. Sandy Birst, First District Health Unit, said space allotted for the health unit looked satisfactory. She also gave a brief overview of the health unit’s operations and services. Pat Carpentier, NDSU extension agent and Michelle Effertz, 4-H youth extension agent, also gave a nod of approval to courthouse plans. Carpentier did voice one concern, however. He questioned whether there would be adequate storage space to accommodate the needs of the extension service. While appearing before the commission, the two gave a synopsis of extension service programs. Carpentier discussed upcoming meetings and conferences that he will be attending, including pesticide training classes.

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