April 25, 2018

County considering new feedlot

The McLean County Planning and Zoning board, along with well over a dozen area residents, stuffed into the county courthouse last week to discuss a proposed feedlot on Falkirk Mine property.
The McLean County commission board road was overflowing last week as locals and zoning board members sought more information on a feedlot being pursued inside the county. Behind the feedlot were Clark Price of Washburn, Kurt Fleck of Bismarck and Jacob Carlson of Bismarck, partners in Dakota Ecobeef LLC.
The men laid out their plan to the group of 45 present at the April 16 meeting, explaining that they wanted to establish a feedlot for between 5,500 and 6,000 of cattle, located on property owned by Falkirk Mine -- specifically the northeast quarter of section 19.
“Initially it’s going to start out as feeder cattle, growing out to finish,” Price said. “Over time, we’re hoping to have a specialty calf crop under those roofs that meet a niche market.”
Price said EcoBeef was hoping these cattle would bring in more income because of the higher value.
Price said the company was planning to work with Great River Energy and would be running hot water from the plant to heat the pens and both indoor and outdoor pads.

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