County approves hwy. dept. purchases
By Cheryl McCormack
The McLean County Highway Department will soon have new, and near-new, equipment to help keep the county's roads in tip-top shape.
After reviewing the bids received at the April 7 McLean County Commission meeting, Highway Superintendent Jim Grey recommended the purchase of a 2015 Case loader from Titan Machinery, in the amount of $191,000 with an additional $1,700 add-on.
He also recommended the purchase of a 2014 Case excavator, with less than 10 hours, from Titan Machinery, in the amount of $131,000. Commissioners approved both purchases at their April 21 meeting.
Next on the agenda was approving the purchase of a 1995 CAT scraper, possessing 89 work hours, for $20,000. The county's current 1986 scraper would have required $37,000 to repair. Commissioners approved the purchase, with the requirement that the 1986 scraper be put on the auction block.
The board also gave their "OK" to receive bids for the purchase of a new skid-steer.