Community sign installed
A new digital communication sign was installed Monday, with plans for it to be fully operational within the next month.
Located on the corner of Border Lane and Seventh Street, a new Cardinal-red sign will welcome visitors to Washburn, and advise locals of area events. The sign, which cost a total of $100,000, consists of three separate panels, stacked atop one another into a 30-foot-tall structure.
The bottom panel, which lists the four area sponsors of the sign, was installed first on Monday by Indigo Signs of Bismarck. Next, the digital message board was put into place above the sponsors. At the top of it all is a red panel that reads “Welcome to Washburn” and below, “Home of the Cardinals.”
The sign, a project facilitated by the Washburn Area Economic Association, was funded by city Sales Tax and Use money, a commitment from Washburn Public School, and four sponsors. Fifty-thousand dollars of city Sales Tax and Use funds paid for half of the sign, along with four -$10,000 sponsors providing an additional $40,000, and Washburn Public School pledging $10,000 to the project, for a total cost of $100,000.