Commissioners still mulling leasing options
By Suzanne Werre
BHG News
The McLean County Commission made quick work of reorganizing itself at its most recent meeting, as Steve Lee was elected chairman and Doug Krebsbach vice-chair, both by unanimous ballot.
The first order of business was to present Underwood’s Dave Lakoduk a Distinguished Service Award, for his 32 years of service to the county working on the roads.
"We’ve really appreciated having you," said Commissioner Steve Lee. Adding that whenever they had township meetings, "No one ever complained."
"The guys you’re blading for out there, it’s nothing but praise," he added.
Following that, the commissioners moved on to the business of the county, including approving an agreement with the North Dakota Department of Transportation for working in the right-of-ways as the county puts up the new 911 signs, and going through some numbers regarding the possible leasing of road equipment.
Road Supt. Jim Gray presented some different options for potential leasing of a motor grader -- $43,600 a year for each of three machines, a total of $130,800 per year, with the first payment due in 2017.