Commission approves two full-time auditors; employee resigns in response
By Michael Johnson, Editor
City public works superintendent Larry Thomas left his position with the City of Washburn after a special meeting was held last Thursday at the City Hall. The meeting covered several topics but the approval of two city employees to be moved to full-time status with the city, having only city responsibilities, is what led Thomas to resign immediately. Commissioners Kim Klaudt and Ray Hager attended a WAEDA meeting earlier that week and it was the recommendation of the WAEDA committee to try to hire an employee to devote their time to WAEDA functions separate from work related to the city. The reasoning of the committee was that deputy auditor Joan Zimmerman and auditor Milissa Price are too busy with city related business to effectively perform the duties of economic development. Commissioners agreed. Price stated that with all that is going on in the city there isn’t enough hours in the day to devote to WAEDA after city business is taken care of.