May 28, 2009

Claudette Ness to call it quits after 20 years

By Don Winter

A fixture in the business district of Washburn will be disappearing after the first week in June, as Claudette Ness steps away from the insurance field and into a well deserved retirement. This year marks Ness’ platinum anniversary in the insurance field, as June will see her twentieth year in the business. "I initially started for Brown Insurance, which was in the building that now houses Lindell Law Offices, as a file clerk," Ness reminisced. Ness became liscensed as an agent in 1990, and worked for Brown until 1992. From there she managed Washburn Insurance Agency for 16 years until January 1 of this year, when Western Frontier Insurance purchased the company. When asked what she’ll miss most about the job, Ness noted that it would be, "the people, not the claims, but the people." It’s been Ness’ relation to those people that has made her such a valued and important part of the local community. There are not many among us in Washburn who have not dropped by for a little insurance advice or just for a bit of idol chat. The love for the community that she radiated was always evident at these times, as she always would have a smile on her face and a quick and well thought out reply on her lips. It’s no surprise then that when asked to enumerate the highlights of her twenty years, Ness would say, "just my basic love for the community, church, and school, and the events and activities that I was able to participate in for each." And while Ness does not foresee relinquishing all of her activities in volunteering, she does feel the need to step back from her previous levels. "I’ll continue, but not at full speed ahead," Ness said.

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