April 18, 2018

City approves dog park

A dog park is set to be erected near the river in Washburn, with temporary fencing to allow for a trial run of the new feature.
Washburn Area Economic Development Association Economic Development and Marketing Director Tana Larsen approached the Washburn City Commission during its meeting April 10 to request permission to place a dog park on city property.
“Larsen said the project was first proposed during Marketing Hometown America sessions last year and was further pursued at meetings of a new group in Washburn.
“There’s a new group that formed as a branch of Marketing Hometown America called WIFUN,” Larsen said.
WIFUN, or Washburn’s Inviting Friends Uniting Neighbors, would like to create and maintain a dog park on the west side of the grain elevator on Eighth Street, adjacent to the city’s walking path. Larsen said Wagon Wheel has agreed to donate pallets that will be used as temporary fencing, and members of the park board said they would maintain the area.
“Park board agreed to mow the area and provide the dog bag stations for disposal and trash cans,” Larsen said.

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