September 11, 2013

CCC: merger topic of discussion

    The North Dakota Coal Conversion Counties Association (CCC), an association of three coal producing counties in west central North Dakota has set their annual meeting for 6 p.m. on Sept. 17 at the Dakota Farms restaurant in Washburn.
    One major topic of discussion members have been clued in about includes a possible merger with the North Dakota Association of Oil and Gas Producing Counties.
    According to the Oil and Gas Producing Counties executive director Vicky Steiner, the merger would allow both groups to strengthen an alliance that’s been going on for over 10 years.
    “They approached us about two months ago asking if we would like to consider a closer partnership,” Steiner said.
    The Oil and Gas executive committee has expressed support in the merger, Steiner said. Mike Ness, Hazen School superintendent and board member of the CCC said in the last meeting the board had that the group also supported the merger. If the merger is approved by the CCC voting membership on Tuesday, the Oil and Gas Producing Counties would then vote at their annual meeting Sept. 26 in Dickinson.

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