April 14, 2011

Business consultant ready to serve

By Michael Johnson, Editor

Brent Fjeldheim’s first impression of North Dakota was that the people had a positive perspective on their economy. After business slowed in Colorado, Fjeldheim made the move to North Dakota like so many others. He has just started his new job as a small business consultant for McLean and Sheridan Counties and is already working to improve business for a small business in the area. "It’s an island of positive feelings," Fjeldheim said in describing the state. Fjeldheim officially started training on Tuesday at the North Dakota Small Business Development Center (NDSBDC) in Bismarck. He will be working with this office in providing business consulting for McLean and Sheridan Counties. His office will be in the building at the corner of Lincoln Ave and 1st Street. The position was made possible by a grant from the NDSBDC and a match of about $5,000 from the City of Underwood for the first year’s budget.

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