Budgets approved
Washburn residents will likely see minimal effects of budget changes on their property taxes next year, as school and city mill adjustments practically canceled each other out.
Washburn city and Washburn Public School budgets were both approved Monday night, with each adjusting their mill levy requests compared to the previous budget year.
The City would approve its 2018 budget at 53.56 total mills levied, down by about 5.27 mills from the 2017 budget. The commission made no changes to the budget during Monday’s final budget hearing, later approving the same totals agreed upon for the preliminary budget. The General Fund will levy 45.56 mills, and the Library and Airport funds will levy four mills apiece, for a total of 53.56 mills, or approximately $246,997.
The Washburn Public School board would take the opposite action with its budget, increasing the amount of mills levied in the general fund for 2018. The approved budget, which had minor line item changes from its preliminary version, was passed at 56.1 mills in the general fund. A total of 50.80 were levied in 2017, or 5.3 fewer than 2018.