April 12, 2017

Authorities investigating missing dogs

Residents are being urged to keep their pets close after several large dogs have been reported missing in the county.
The Garrison Veterinary Service is reporting that about a dozen large-breed canines have been reported missing in the last six weeks, with so far none being recovered.
“As soon as the weather started warming up, we started getting reports that family dogs were missing,” Garrison Veterinarian Kathy Baber said Friday.
Baber alerted McLean County Sheriff’s Department Detective Aaron Matties to the vanishing canines, and he said there is a clear pattern.
Matties said labs, german shepherds, huskies and
St. Bernards have disappeared from Garrison, Parshall, White Earth, Benedict and Max.
“They’re big breeds and family dogs,” Matties said. “One dog that is missing would just walk up to strangers that came near the yard and greet the person.”

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