Leader-News - News

Spring load restrictions are now in place in and around the city of Washburn.

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It's a rare occasion to see Patrick Pochant without a smile on his face.

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March 4, 2015

'Blarney Bash'

Craic [krak]: fun and entertainment, especially good conversation and company, particularly prominent in Ireland.

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February 25, 2015

Safety Day at RDO

What does a slow moving vehicle sign look like?

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Since mid-January, the words "bus" and "repair" tangoing in the same sentence has troubled Wilton Public School's staff and administration.

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It's simple, 6 – 4 = 2.

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Student athletes participating in District 10 volleyball will soon be doing so in a super-regional format, which will completely eliminate district tournaments.

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If you've stopped by the Washburn Public Library anytime in the last month or so, chances are you've been greeted with a smile and a warm "hello" from the "cute blonde" working behind the counter and amidst the book shelves.

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The North Dakota Game and Fish will now be paying the City of Washburn and Washburn Parks and Recreation a total of $3,500 to clean and maintain their fish-cleaning station, located near Cenex.

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February 4, 2015

EMT Parker Pochant

"Ever since I was a little kid, I've always wanted to be a cop, a firefighter, or an 'ambulance person.' I liked the idea of being someone who enjoys helping other people."

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