Leader-News - News

The City of Washburn has a new deputy auditor.

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August 13, 2014

Variance woes

Yet another garage in the community of Wilton is under scrutiny for allegedly failing to comply with the city’s building ordinance.

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"The football field, as of today, is seeded. It’s looking much, much better. Now, the trick is to keep it watered."

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Golfers, you can finally stop dreaming about putting new greens along the Painted Woods Creek.

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Bicyclists will be pedaling through McLean County this upcoming weekend, as part of the 22nd annual Cycling Across North Dakota in Sakakawea Country (CANDISC) bike tour.

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"I know it’s hard, as a board, to deal with this issue – voting and giving yourself a raise. But, you are dramatically underpaid."

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July 23, 2014

Foster parenting

Biological...Adoptive...Foster...Step...It’s not the word before parent that defines, but rather the love and dedication in their heart.

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Not thrilled with having to approve a conditional use building permit "after the fact," county commissioners will be looking at raising the fine for those who build on their properties without first getting approval for the building from the county.

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Long-time Washburn resident Raymond Wicklander began collecting machinery when he first laid eyes on an antique, wood threshing machine.

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"I’m concerned about the way the commission operates. Unless you get on the agenda, you can’t speak."

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