Leader-News - News

October 15, 2015

Washburn budget finalized

The Washburn City Commission put a stamp of approval on the 2016 budget after two separate meetings on Friday to finalize a few final line items.

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Washburn High School students are currently rehearsing for their fall production of "I Don’t Have A Clue" by Craig Sodaro.

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October 7, 2015

Bank partners with school

Farmers Security Bank is looking to help the students of Washburn become more monetarily savvy by providing them with access to web-based financial programs.

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Friday’s Roughrider Homecoming game against Garrison lent a win to the football players, crowns to the candidates and smiles to spectators.

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October 1, 2015

County slashes budget

McLean County Commissioners chiseled away hundreds of thousands of dollars from the 2016 budget at a special meeting on Sept. 22 at the county courthouse in Washburn.

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September 24, 2015

New ambulance arrives

The sirens wailed and lights flashed as the ambulance pulled around the corner, but for once, it was a happy occasion.

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The Washburn City Commission has appointed a new city commissioner.

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September 16, 2015

Making beds from plastic bags

Mat-weaving for homeless comes to Washburn

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Thirteen motorhomes, carrying 32 people, traveled from across the U.S. and Canada for the rally in Washburn.

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September 9, 2015

Growing agriculture

A seed has been planted in the Washburn School District that will help nourish the relationship between its students and the agriculture industry.

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