Leader-News - News
McLean officers aid in protest control
The McLean County Sheriff’s Office was called upon last week to provide support in during ongoing protests against the Dakota Access Pipeline.
Sheriff’s office fleet grows, improves
Newly-equipped vehicles are hitting McLean County as the Sheriff’s Office fleet puts recently purchased and donated cars to use.
Washburn native publishes book
In an effort to help people appreciate what they have, a Washburn native has written a children’s book called “Don’t be sad, Sad Sally.”
New WAEDA director named
Tana Waldren Larsen has been named Economic Development & Marketing Director for the Washburn Area Economic Development Association (WAEDA).
A garden of memories
"Those angels are from my mom,” Suzanne Richards says, pointing at cherub statues in her and her husband’s back yard in Washburn.
Former sheriff under investigation
Former McLean County Sheriff Don Charging is under investigation for purchasing and selling multiple assault rifles to individuals.
‘Bluegrass Goes Pink’ does it again
Bluegrass Goes Pink filled Cross Ranch State Park with harmony and bluegrass fans last Saturday.
Washburn debates test exemption
Washburn teachers and school board members discussed pros and cons to several test- exemption policy options at a recent meeting.
Residents ‘Gotta catch ‘em all’
A new digital pastime has hit Washburn adults with a wave of nostalgia.
Petition drafted to remove mayor
A petition to remove the mayor of Washburn has started to circulate town recently.