Leader-News - News
Someone to talk to
The McLean County Jail printed an advertisement earlier this year looking for a chaplain, someone to sit down and talk with the inmates a couple times a week about Bible studies and personal struggles.
Civic Club weighs in
Members of Washburn’s Civic Club spent part of Tuesday afternoon discussing the city’s strengths, weaknesses and the direction they’d like to see it go.
Main Avenue repair estimated at $272,000
Fixing the leg of Main Avenue that collapsed in March will take more time and much more money than expected, one city engineer told commissioners Monday night.
Burn ban implemented
For the fifth year in a row, McLean County Commissioners approved a fire emergency declaration and burn ban for the county, forbidding fires or fireworks on days when the danger rating is red or orange.
Miners take National Championship
Wilton Miner archery made a name for itself this weekend, bringing home a Western National Championship title for 3-D shooting.
River to get help from upped releases
The river level at Washburn is expected to rise by approximately a foot over the next week, as releases from the Garrison Dam are gradually stepped up.
New key fob system coming to Wilton school
The Wilton School Board hosted a regular meeting on April 17, in the FACS Room.
Ladies workshop: Living Intentionally Free Everyday
Mary Lingelbach is dedicated to giving women a voice and igniting their power through a health foundation of God.
School renovation estimated at $5.7M
Washburn School Board members got their first look at what a possible school remodel project could cost last week, with the full estimate topping $5 million.