Leader-News - News

Creating a successful and long lasting business in a small town such as Washburn, the business must adapt through generations of change.

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Oil and coal are two topics that may be on the mind of every North Dakota resident.

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It was with lots of emotion and celebration that the First Congregational Church in Wing held its last and final service after 97 years of service to the community on Sept. 14, 2008.

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In September, 1883 Reverend I.O. Scheie of Hudson visited the Washburn area. With him he brought the traditions and worshiping style of the Lutheran church.

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It has been nearly a year since the South Central Regional Water District plant began serving the Wilton area, bringing a stream of cool, clear water like Wilton hasn’t had before.

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As fans bundle in mittens and scarves, huddling together to conserve heat, they use the little energy the weather will allow to proudly cheer on their team.

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The Washburn School Board began discussing upcoming construction on the school grounds.

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In early September 1978, Washburn was a very different community than it is today. Thirty years ago the agriculture-based society was beginning construction on the local power plants, and the town boomed with construction personnel as coal and energy took over Washburn.

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When bats were found once again in the McLean County Courthouse, all of the surrounding communities knew that the issue would grow into something of a much larger magnitude.

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When the Bellamy Brothers agreed to return to Washburn, they vowed to perform through almost any conditions. That vow was put to the test on Friday when temperatures reached the low 50’s. Though it felt more like late autumn than mid-August, not even the cold weather could stop the band from entertaining their fans. Over 500 people bundled in mittens, hats, winter jackets and blankets packed into Washburn’s 4-H camp.

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