Leader-News - News

It was standing room only for Monday night's Washburn City Commission meeting.

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Washburn residents may feel like they are struggling to find their way in a fog as they work to understand the projected street improvement projects for 2009.

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The recently proposed three-Division plan by the North Dakota High School Athletic Association has caused a lot of discussion not only by the Washburn School Board, but also by school boards throughout the state.

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February 26, 2009

Fun under the big top

Some banquets take several days or even a week to plan and organize.

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The persuasive power that music possesses can lift spirits or rally the home team, or celebrate Memorial Day.

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Do you hate waking up early to listen carefully to the radio, or have your children's eyes locked to the television screen waiting to see or hear the cancellation of a day of school?

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Recent retirements at the Washburn School have opened up several positions, which the school board is trying to fill for the upcoming years.

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February 12, 2009

Under the big top

Have you ever attended the circus?

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Being a fire fighter is a dangerous job, and the possibility of injury or worse is around every corner for the local men and women that put everything on the line to help protect our communities.

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The federal government is making an effort to stimulate the economy, but those words leave North Dakotans wondering how that has anything to do with this state.

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