Leader-News - News

St. Alexius Washburn Family Clinic was the initial recipient of a newly established revolving loan fund program.

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The Washburn School Board met at their annual meeting this month for discussion over a deluge of detailed financial reports.

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Ask any true area fisherman how this year’s been and he’ll tell you absolutely rotten.

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Forty years ago children all over the world had a new grownup job to add to that list: Spaceman.

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A collective of Washburn officials have seen into the future and can say that things are looking good.

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Where there’s a will there’s a way. Motivation can have an amazing effect over individuals.

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An older gentleman emerges from the east side of 4th Ave and 7th St.

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It’s not officially summertime until kids start knocking on your door hoping to raise money for this, that or the other thing.

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Considering all the activities, entertainment and beautiful weekend weather, Washburn residents would be hard pressed to find any flaws about this year’s’ Lewis and Clark Days.

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Since the legislature’s mandate for tax equalization, McLean County residents have responded with a rollercoaster of reactions to the assessment process.

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