Leader-News - News

The quality of the water that flows into your home depends on Washburn’s Water Treatment Plant.

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It’s that time of year when the ground turns to mush and area beef cattle numbers start to double as calving season begins.

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March 18, 2010

A song for the crowds

Before every flip of the coin, toss of the ball or drop of the puck there’s an important step that has to take place at a state high school event.

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City of Washburn commissioners are in no hurry to remove city signs from Otter Tail Power telephone poles after a meeting with a representative from Otter Tail Power on March 8.

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In this day and age of online businesses there’s no limit to who your competition might be.

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March 11, 2010

Order in the courtroom

District Court has found a new home in the Memorial Building in Washburn since county commissioners last week decided that parts of the McLean County Courthouse would no longer be used until further decisions could be made about the future of the building.

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March 4, 2010

Movin’ on out

It’s official. The process to close down the original McLean County Courthouse structure has begun.

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When he first got into the education field, Roger Norris was 24 years old and looking to shape the minds of the future.

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February 25, 2010

Rewarded for a change

The average person might hear Kayla Wiese’s life story and think she’s been given a lot of lemons.

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The public often criticizes government for being slow to react.

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