Leader-News - News

McLean County voters will be heading to the polls Nov. 2.

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It’s hard to imagine such a large vessel like the Sioux Ferry navigating the Missouri River once again.

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Given the task of taxing the residents of Washburn for street, sewer and water projects is not one many would jump into.

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Homecoming was especially sweet for two families of three troops who returned home after a yearlong mission in Basra, Iraq.

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In a sea of 15 highly skilled applicants, the Washburn Area Economic Development Association board chose one that they hope will hit the ground running and see what developments can be made in Washburn.

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It was June 28, 1967 when Clayton Carr first stood tall and saluted the flag at Metropolitan Stadium in Bloomington, Minn.

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A limited liability company formed by Norfarms, Great River Energy and Headwaters, Inc. is nearing completion on another massive structure housed near the Blue Flint Ethanol plant as well as the Coal Creek Power Plant.

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City commissioners were somewhat surprised to hear that once complete, the new water plant may not run itself.

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There are some assumptions that development has been tried in Washburn and it didn’t work.

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As 2011 approaches, department heads continue to present McLean County Commissioners with their preliminary budgets for 2011.

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