Leader-News - News

For those lucky enough to have a garden, you know how great it is to have the freshest fruits and vegetables at your fingertips.

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Local farmers were a bit up-in-arms about the decision of Wilton Commissioners at the April 20 meeting to discontinue farm access to city hydrants to fill water tanks used to spray their fields.

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About 20 contractors assembled in the very garage that will soon be removed to make room for the new McLean County Courthouse last Thursday.

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The baseball field located on the school district property in Washburn is about to get a lot greener, thanks to the dreams of many baseball fans in town.

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Gov. Jack Dalrymple signed two historic House bills into law this week that should be a shot in the arm for western North Dakota’s oil and gas producing counties.

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Wilton residents let commissioners know that although they are interested in seeing Wilton grow, they don’t want the growth in a large quantity in their own backyards.

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The Washburn tax equalization meeting was held last Monday to allow for those residents affected by the change in property values to hear a more thorough explanation on the increases to their taxes.

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The Washburn School may need to start spending more than anticipated, as the ending fund balance for the school may exceed the 45 percent cap set by law.

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Issues of flooding in the county has led to McLean County Commissioners declaring a flood emergency.

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Brent Fjeldheim’s first impression of North Dakota was that the people had a positive perspective on their economy.

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