Leader-News - News

Having too much business isn’t something anyone around here is going to complain about.

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The new McLean County courthouse is rising up smoothly alongside the Law Enforcement Center and current courthouse.

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The beginning of 2011 was a frightful one as snow covered an already wet state.

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There’s something in every runner that drives them to work their bodies to its limits.

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Imagine if you could start teaching your child about reading as soon as they are born. Actually you can, and experts say you should.

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The need for more daycare options in Washburn has been voiced at numerous public meetings.

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December 21, 2011

Singing Christmas cheer

Christmas just isn’t Christmas until the joy of giving has been experienced in full for many of Washburn’s fine singers.

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The Scouts of Washburn are looking to be visible through their service and a good way to let their light shine was by helping to decorate the community Christmas tree last week.

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What should they do?

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There’s no doubt a coach has the power to influence the lives of hundreds – if not thousands – of youth through the life of their career.

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