Leader-News - News

Washburn city commissioners heard an update on the street project at their last regular meeting.

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December 18, 2012

Christmas gifts remembered

Christmas is a time to gather with family for storytelling about those holidays from years ago.

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Most of you know about the story of “How the Grinch Stole Christmas.”

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December 12, 2012

The check’s in the bank

The long awaited payment for the Heritage Heights Lots arrived on Friday and the Washburn City Commission is quite certain that this time, things are going to move forward positively.

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With flexibility that would make most of us shiver in pain, the Washburn Expressions are stretching their abilities to reach new levels in their dance routines.

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When state inspectors make their rounds of over 1,000 seed and chemical sites throughout the state of North Dakota, they keep an eye out for those that go above and beyond what’s expected.

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Jayne Pochant, Annette Weisgarber, Julie Broderick and Jim Kaiser of the Washburn Area Dollars for Scholars...

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Jim and Marcie Felt, recent buyers of lots in the High Park North addition in Wilton, heard they would have to change their measurements on Wednesday night.

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What was meant to be one of Jeff Turning Heart Jr.’s greatest accomplishments in athleticism turned into an opportunity to accomplish something even greater.

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November 20, 2012

Thanks a lot!

Looking around at the world events can cause a person to really get down about their circumstances – if you focus on the negative.

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