Leader-News - News

Recent internet connectivity concerns have Washburn School board members looking at a possible upgrade for the school’s internet access points.

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Two groups purchased multiple lots at the last regular commission meeting last week leaving just one lot left to buy in High Park North addition in Wilton.

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September 12, 2012

The calls keep

The numbers are staggering.

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London- In the year 1943, the young men in Europe were off fighting in World War II.

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The hydraulic fracturing process used to make oil recovery easier in the state’s oil patch is getting a much needed resource from local power plants.

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It’s no South Beach Diet, but the changes to the school lunch program are aiming for healthier eating in the schools nationwide.

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When the doors opened for business at the new River Ag building in early July, much of the products were still on order.

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Careful planning, months of cleaning and hours of training prepared the staff of the Washburn School for the 2012-2013 school year.

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There will be some nation-wide changes to school lunch programs due to new federal requirements for school meals, and that means there will be some major changes at the Washburn School as well.

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A fire started Thursday afternoon on the Pablo Ronderos farm, about 9 miles east of Washburn, was extinguished with the help of area farmers and the Washburn Fire Department.

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