Leader-News - News

Pending an agreement on an offer, the city of Washburn may have finally sold 12 Heritage Heights lots.

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October 17, 2012

The power of purple

The idea of having the community of Washburn filled with purple lights has Jenell Olson, executive director of the McLean Family Resource Center, filled with excitement.

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It looked like it may be a poor turn out for the annual Saddle up Against Cancer ride on Saturday morning.

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Washburn senior Nick Due loves to go head-to-head against the competition.

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As the departments of McLean County make the move to the new courthouse, so did a longstanding part of the county.

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Based on your tax payment last year, you can expect to pay an additional 4.62 percent on the Washburn city tax portion of your taxes.

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September 25, 2012

Pochant leads with new signs

When Parker Pochant heard that the Washburn School was co-oping with other local schools...

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It’s about being competitive.

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North Dakota is in the Class 5 category for STEMI death rates, making it one of the highest STEMI death rates in the nation.

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Recent internet connectivity concerns have Washburn School board members looking at a possible upgrade for the school’s internet access points.

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