June 10, 2020

Starting on Field Fitness

The path to a successful hunt involves a lot of planning. Whether it’s hours of country cruising and scouting the local deer herd and their movements in August and September for
November’s glorious capstone to autumn or checking laces and boot leather and getting hundreds of rounds put in at the trap range to be set for that first f lushing rooster in October, preparation for whatever game you pursue makes the season more successful. One thing many hunters overlook, however, is the physical preparation which helps make the hills seem less steep and the hauling out of a downed deer feel more like a victory lap and less of a chore. By starting on the process of getting fit for a hunt now - whether you’re a weekend warrior who seeks out grouse or pheasants in the grassy expanse of the prairie, or will luck out and draw that coveted mule deer tag or a once-ina-lifetime elk opportunity that will require some reconnaissance and efforts in the rugged breaks of the west – you’ll be more prepared to take on the challenges this fall. Additionally, the added health benefits and good habits that come with your pre-season physical challenges will help ensure you can keep going into the field season after season.

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