May 6, 2010

Cougars face Mustangs

By Brenda L. Shelkey, BHG News Service

The Cougars have a full schedule this week. Coach Andrew Zurcher explained that two of the games are make-up games, one being a JV game on Saturday. Last Thursday’s varsity loss against the tough Surrey Mustangs didn’t come as a surprise, but the second game was a better match-up between the Mustangs and Cougar teams. Zurcher said of the Cougars, "Our hitting is starting to come around. We’re building consistency. That’s always a good place to start." The Cougars Brendon Reinbold was 2-2 in the first game, and pitcher Matt Landenberger had 4K against the Mustangs to help keep the Cougars in the game. But with Surrey’s 4-0 lead in the first inning, then adding another 3-0 to the lead in the second inning, the Cougars battled to stay in the game. Mark Johannes stole home at one point, but the point was taken away and the Cougars’ were returned to their previous base when Surrey’s coach realized that the Cougars didn’t follow the correct batting order.

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