September 8, 2011

Comets falter to Center-Stanton

By Michael Johnson, Editor

The Underwood Comets fought hard for a win against nearby Center-Stanton but struggled to make a win in the home game on Aug. 30. Comets produced in the serving end of things. That was one area head coach Mary Hefta hoped to see. Even so the Comets could not seal the deal. Center-Stanton brought forth a very strong defense. In game one, the Comets came out on fire, putting six points between the teams. But the Wildcats figured out a way to get around the team’s tactics and tied up the score in the next few minutes with some great work at the net by Wildcat sophomore Siam Simpfenderfer. The Comets and Wildcats fought back and forth but Center-Stanton pulled ahead with a score of 25-22 to end the first. Game two was Center-Stanton in control right from the beginning. Neither team had constant control in serving but Center-Stanton repeatedly showed they could throw down at the net. It was an easy win of 25-18 in the second.

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