October 7, 2015

Clippers top CM, no holds barred

By Suzanne Werre

Strasburg-Zeeland’s Brody Nieuwsma proved he’s worth the hype as the senior quarterback passed for three touchdowns on the way to a 30-10 Clipper victory over the home-standing Central McLean Cougars Friday.

In the three touchdown passes alone, Nieuwsma tallied 168 passing yards.

"They’ve got a good quarterback, and I knew that going in," said Central McLean Head Coach Kevin Dockter

But S-Z’s passing game was just one part of the game that led to the Cougars’ loss.

"We killed ourselves with penalties,"said Dockter. "We were in fourth and long range almost every possession."

The combination of the Cougars committing repeated holding penalties and Strasburg’s strong line was too much for the Cougars’ offense.

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