July 1, 2015

Work on Borchardt picking up after Fourth

By Suzanne Werre

Work on Underwood’s floodwater drainage project should be ramping up into full gear after the Fourth of July holiday, but things have already been well in motion for the past few weeks.

"It’s coming along pretty good," commented Underwood’s Head of City Maintenance Neal Repnow. "We’re going to start putting pipe in the ground probably this week. They’ve got most of the drainage ditch on the south side of town cleaned up and done."

The pipe on the south end of town (just south of Borchardt Ave.) will bring the water from Pryor’s Slough, which is on the east side of town running west toward the railroad tracks, underneath the tracks and under Borchardt Ave., which will be torn up after the Fourth.

Residents who live along Borchardt, or anyone who is concerned about how the construction is going to impact getting to and from their own homes, is encouraged to attend an information meeting today (Wednesday) at city hall at 5 p.m.

Jesse Berg, site manager for Moore Engineering, has been on-site regularly since construction began, and he will also be at the meeting.

"He’s very good about answering people’s questions," said Repnow. "And if he doesn’t know the answer, he’ll tell them, and find out what they need to know.



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