May 23, 2012

Underwood native returns to supervise daycare

By Michael Johnson, Editor

Finding qualified people to fill jobs in a small town like Underwood can often require recruitment from afar. When word got out that Shanna Greene would be moving from Missouri back to Underwood with her husband and children, it didn’t take long before old friends were asking her if she would consider becoming the new supervisor at the Comet Kids Childcare facility. While the move was made possible by her husband, Wyatt, getting a job at Swanston equipment in Minot, the daycare job was a nice addition to the family’s plans here in Underwood. The couple’s children are Roslin (almost 2) and Rylan (6). While Greene knows North Dakota quite well, her husband grew up in North Carolina. Greene graduated from Underwood in 1999, her parents are Bette and Daryl Bykonen. Greene was in the medical field  before coming to the daycare position and the playtime with the kids has been a welcome variety. “It’s a huge change,” Greene said. “It’s kinda fun to be a kid again.” The move back to Underwood is one that the family has enjoyed so far. Greene said that they wanted to raise their children in a safe neighborhood. Underwood has become that haven. They have been back in town since April 22.



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