January 18, 2012

Thirty take empowering step for community

By Michael Johnson, Editor

After suicide struck the community of Underwood last year, a group of residents have not been able to forget the void. They have been meeting since then to work together to strengthen the community and to bring about some awareness of the prevalence of suicide. That group held a meeting Jan. 10 that was open to the public. It was titled “Empowering Your Community.” A topic that brought much discussion was that many Underwood residents are unwilling to ask for help when help is needed. But the group of about 30 made it clear that it was time to start asking for help. At the meeting, three counselors from West Central Human Services came to outline many of the facts of suicide, and the many causes. After talking about different facts and figures, the group dispersed into three groups to talk about the strengths and weaknesses of the community. Interesting discussions were had by the groups and upon reconvening they found many similarities. Common strengths were that the community members work together and  they help when someone is in need.



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