August 4, 2011

Street repair gets downsized

By Michael Johnson, Editor

Underwood city commissioners pounded the pavement Monday evening to see what proposed street fixes were worth doing after viewing a proposal from their engineers. While a Toman Engineering representative originally proposed cutting and replacing much of the problem areas, commissioners found that a “swab,” or fine asphalt overlay would do the job in most cases. The original estimates were about $40,000 for work throughout the city. Commissioners headed to North Summit, which was the only spot they figured would need to be cut up. It is a section about 12 ft wide by 150 feet long and the largest area of damage. Commissioners also noted a patch was needed in front of Jim Hatzenbuhler’s home; a square needing a swab by Wade Haseleu’s; a swab south of the school entrance by Brad Sayler’s; and the corner of Roosevelt and Sayler would get a patch and fill. A section cut on North Sayler would be fixed by the school.



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